Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Token Oriental

I'm the only "coloured" person in the office. We have multiple locations all over Canada. There's even an office in Seattle. In total, there are about only four "coloured" employees. Three Chinese and one Indian. Take a look around. I am not one of them. No matter how "multi-cultural" Vancouver is supposed to be, in fact, it is extremely racist and discriminating. You have no idea how many times I have heard Caucasians telling me to get hell out of their country and move our sorry butts back to China. Mind you, I am not even from China at the first place. Apparently, a lot of Caucasians just assume those with yellow skin are from China because maybe that's the only country in Asia that they have ever heard of, except Japan. I personally find it funny, if not ridiculous. Of course, I don't encounter anything so bold on a daily basis. Only once in a while. However, I can often feel it, sense it, such unspoken discrimination, wherever I go. I can't always quite put my finger on it, and I might be paranoid, but regardless, just because it creeps onto us in a subtle way, it doesn't make it ok. It doesn't make it go away. It just doesn't.



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