Tuesday, March 13, 2007

CRTC to Review 'Diversity of Voices' in Broadcasting

i know i haven't come here in a while. i've been super busy with school....

today i'm going to talk about canadian broadcasting industry. the article is crtc to review 'diversity of voices' in broadcasting.

i've always had lots to say about topics like this. let me give some brief background to begin with. in canada, according to the media commercial law, we have to broadcast a certain amount of canadian content. this is a good strategy to reinforce canadian culture. however, in my opinion, there are some loose ends. their definition of canadian content is very broad. for example, if a song sung by an american artist is composed or recorded or anything like that by a canadian, that is considered canadian content. likewise, if a famous american music video or a tv show is filmed in somewhere in canada even just for one episode, that is still considered canadian. another way to get around it is that people could just broadcast canadian contents during really shitty times, such as three in the morning or something. they would still be obeying the law. they aren't losing much money, either. who the hell listens to the radio or watches tv at that time anyway?

i also find something ironic about the idea of seeking diversity of voices in broadcasting contents. one of the issues brought up in the article is how crtc is trying to avoid cross-ownership. but then in my opinion, cross-ownership would contribute to diversity of voices. media ownership concentration would worsen the matter in the sense that only the interests of these owners would be put as the priority. how could they achieve diversity in that sense? another problematic aspect of this whole "diversity" is that crtc only considers american and canadian contents as diversity. what about other communities? asians, indians, southern europeans, and so on, are everywhere in canada, especially vancouver and toronto. what about our french canadians? i know they have their own stations in quebec, but don't crtc have any intention of promoting french canadian culture outside of quebec, so then we don't hate french canadains that much and vice versa? this is what i don't get. they claim they're seeking and maintaining diversity, while in fact, their diversity is not diverse at all.

there's this really random group on facebook called something like americans who are for canadian imperialism. when i first saw it, i was like what the hell? i looked up the "officers" for that group, too, and i think one or two of them is NOT even american. i think one is like an asian guy (singaporean, it seems) who was born and raised in singapore but just went to the states for education. jeez. who the hell do people like that think they are? they aren't canadian. they've never lived in canada. they aren't american, either, until they become citizens (which takes a while). what makes them think they have the right to believe in colonizing canada? if you don't know canada's culture well enough, please shut the hell up. thank you. i loathe ignorant people.



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